Welcome from the Executive Head

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Welcome to our Post 16 (Sixth Form) information area.  As soon as students join Cleeve Meadow School we are thinking about next steps and preparation for adult life.  Our aim is to prepare students for their life journey enabling them to reach their potential to be confident, independent, thoughtful and ambitious young adults.

Carving pathways for our future life is so important and picking options as we go into Post 16 is an exciting time.  Every year we think carefully about the students and their interests and create a tailored offer that will suit the interests of our community and create real life opportunities.

Our Post 16 curriculum provides an ambitious and challenging range based on our knowledge of the students and their interests so that all students will be able access key core qualifications such as maths and English as well as skills for independence and working life.

We have created an offer that we think will provide a range of exciting opportunities that will support independent living and learn new skills that lead to employment. 
AOD Signature
Alex O'Donnell
Executive Head Teacher