A.C.E programme (A champion for every child)

A.C.E Tutors for Pupil Premium students


The role of the A.C.E Tutors is to be the advocate for students who may otherwise struggle in silence, for students who may be juggling an array of responsibilities, for students who may just need someone to believe in them.

This type of support is valuable because:

  • It provides bespoke support for students’ individual needs
  • A.C.E Tutors can unpick student issues in the classroom and any barriers to learning.
  • Targeted support can be arranged for students who need academic intervention 
  • It means that support for students can be signposted before small issues develop into bigger issues.
  • It develops relationships with Pupil Premium families who may be difficult to reach
  • It increases parental engagement 
  • It forms part of schools’ attendance strategies by developing a strong relationship between home and school
  • It gives students a voice in school
  • It can provide aspiration for students who may not have had such direction before

Statement of Intent 2023/24

Every Pupil Premium pupil (and their families) have regular one-to-one contact to build relationships and overcome barriers.

Our ACE programme is now in its 3rd year as a TKAT strategy having been one of the successful pilot schools in 2020. “Overall the evaluation from the ACE programme’s pilot year sees promising evidence of impact, particularly on pupils’ attainment in maths and on levels of goal orientation, self-efficacy and motivation. Qualitative data from teachers and tutors also reflected a positive perception of the overall impact of the programme, alongside a number of recommendations for how the programme implementation could be improved further in future.” ImpactEd September 2021.

Our ultimate objectives at Cleeve Meadow School are as follows:

  1. To poverty proof the school curriculum and the student school experience to ensure that no child is disadvantaged in engaging in any aspect of learning and growing through lack of funds.
  2. POVERTY PROOFING THROUGH THE A.C.E program - every Pupil Premium child has a champion to poverty proof their life at school. Working closely with each student to remove barriers to attainment and provide the resources needed for an enriched curriculum, experiences and opportunities to build talents and interests for the future.
  3. That all Pupil Premium students make the best possible progress with reading:
  4. That all Pupil Premium students have the opportunity to build their vocabulary in order to develop their conceptual understanding, better access the curriculum and improve their life chances.
  5. That all Pupil Premium students make the best possible progress with Maths.
  6. Whole school systems and approaches support the development of healthy habits for good mental health.
  7. Intensive work with targeted families to improve resilience for better engagement
  8. Students have full access to enrichment activities including 1:1 music teaching