Introduction from the Head of Sixth Form

Dear prospective student and family, 

The Sixth Form team at Cleeve Meadow School look forward to working with you in September 2023, our first ever Post 16 Cohort.

Our priority is to ensure that we support you to make progress within your chosen subjects, build on your previous achievements and learn new skills. At Cleeve Meadow School student well-being is important to us so we will ensure that we provide a positive environment where you can feel safe and valued. Together we will develop an individualised plan to suit your needs and help you reach your potential. A rich and tailored curriculum will be offered to ensure you are equipped with the life skills needed to become independent, capable young adults, ready for life outside of education.  You will have a personal development programme linked to PSHE, focussing on finances, budgeting, job preparation and housing. 

We, together will build links with the local community through local businesses and industries in the area. Practical experiences will be an integral part of your post-16 curriculum, giving you an understanding and experience of jobs in different sectors and what they entail, helping inform your career choices moving on.  Work experience placements will take place in Year 12 for two weeks, this will give you a chance to really immerse yourself in the world of work and get some invaluable experiences which you can use to inform future career pathways.

There will be continuous support both academically and pastorally from specialist staff throughout your time in Post 16, with regular reviews taking place. We believe that taking this holistic approach will ensure that you will be given the tools needed to succeed and be prepared for the world beyond Post 16.

Miss Hill 

Head of Sixth Form
Head of Key Stage 4 & 5