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Staff List

The highly qualified teaching staff, supported by a committed and skilled body of support staff, are the most valuable resource in the school. Teaching staff work in departments and Heads of Departments oversee the development and delivery of courses relating to their curriculum areas. 

They work closely with the Head of Key Stage who oversee pupils’ progress and will respond to parents’ requests about information relating to schemes of work. 

There is considerable contact between parents and subject teachers through both parents’ consultation evenings, termly reports and individual communication.

Ms Thompson SENDCO
Mrs Sargent SENDCO
Ms Simpson SEND Administrator
Name Department
Ms Bakewell Senior Teaching Assistant / Careers Lead / Careers Teacher 
Ms Balogun PSHE / Food Technology Teacher
Ms Blowey Head of Maths / Maths Teacher
Ms Blunt Head of Science / Timetable and Data Manager
Ms Booth PE Teacher / Science Teacher
Ms Brown English / Science Teacher
Ms Carlin  Drama / Science Teacher
Mr Coulter Humanities Teacher
Mr Freame Senior Teaching Assistant / Music Teacher
Mrs Haynes Maths Teacher / Maths Specialist
Ms Head Food Technology Teacher
Ms Henderon Assistant Head / English Teacher 
Ms Hill Assistant Head / Class Teacher
Ms Lee Head of School / PE Teacher
Mr Mountain Reading Teacher and Library Provision Specialist
Ms Palmer Maths Teacher
Ms Pham Head of English
Ms Rowland Teaching Assistant / Hair and Beauty Teacher
Ms Sargent Class Teacher / SENDCO
Mrs Simmons English Teacher / Literacy Specialist
Mrs Southby Art & Textiles Teacher - (Maternity leave)
Ms Thompson Assistant Head / SENDCO / Class Teacher
Mr Watkins Class Teacher
Mrs Wilgocka-Simpson Humanities Teacher
Ms Younis Art / Textiles / SALT / Skill Builder Teacher
Name Job Title
Mrs Sutton Safeguarding and Family Wellbeing Lead
Ms Simmons Literacy Specialist
Ms Haynes Maths Intervention Specialist
Mr Davies ACE Tutor
Mrs Spooner ACE Tutor
Mrs Wilson De-Escalation Lead / Medical Officer
Ms Parry Exams Officer / Cover Officer Lead Teaching Assistant
Mr Mountain Reading and Library Provision Specialist / Media / Tabletop Gaming Lead
Ms Mills Speech & Language Therapy Assistant
Mrs Willis Social Skills Intervention Specialist
Miss Parry Behaviour and Welfare Officer / OT Assistant
Name Job Title
Mrs Parry Lead TA / Exams Administrator
Mr Freame Senior TA / Music Teacher
Ms Bakewell Senior TA / Careers Lead
Ms Nurwain Senior TA / Cover Supervisor
Ms Charter Senior TA
Ms Bootle TA
Mr Davies TA / ACE Mentor
Mrs Garczarczyk  TA
Mr Parrish TA
Mr Mountain Librarian / Reading Teacher / TA / Tabletop Lead / Media Lead
Ms Crocker TA
Mrs Rowland TA / Hair & Beauty Teacher
Mrs Spooner TA / ACE Mentor
Ms Bytyci TA
Ms Doran TA
Ms Iduh TA
Ms Bradshaw TA
Ms Gregory TA
Ms Clarke TA
Ms Afolabi TA
Miss Leverett TA
Ms Emin TA
Ms Desanges TA
Ms Grainger Midday Supervisor
Name Job Title
Ms Flockhart Office Manager / Parent Liaison  
Mrs Barrett Administration Assistant
Mrs Whelan Administration Assistant
Ms Simpson SEN Admin Assistant
Operations, Facilities & Health & Safety     
  Operations  Manager Mrs Downey
Application, Media & Marketing    
  Application, Media & Graphics Technician  Ms Ockelford
  Finance Supervisor Mrs J Appleton
  Premises Manager Mr Barry
  Deputy Premises Manager/Cleaning Supervisor  Mr Burnett
  Premises Assistant Mr Iverson
Area Network Team Managed by TKAT