Our SENDCOs are:
Lousie Thompson - SENDCO
Kezia Sargent - SENDCO
Accessibility Plan
The Special Needs and Disability Act 2014 requires that we plan in three main areas:
- Increasing access for students with disabilities to the curriculum – teaching and learning and the wider curriculum
- Improving access for students and other stakeholders with disabilities to the physical environment of the school
- Access to Information and ensuring effective communications
These areas have been considered when writing this Accessibility Plan for Temporary accommodation:
The term disability does not refer exclusively to people with a physical disability and therefore focus entirely on physical access issues. The act defines disability thus:
“A person has a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial of long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.”
This Accessibility Plan Is ‘anticipatory’ and considers both current and prospective students to Temporary accommodation. The Plan indicates the steps we will take to become increasingly inclusive over the next three year period. The Accessibility Plan is structured to complement and support the school’s Inclusion Policy, and will similarly be published on the school website.
We aim to:
- Overcome potential barriers to learning so that all children enjoy full access to our curriculum
- Continually review our building and facilities in response to the needs of our community
- Respond sensitively and sensibly to the needs of individuals with our school community, seeking advice from outside support agencies whenever possible
- Consider carefully the views of all parties: students, parents, governors, teaching and non-teaching staff when writing our Accessibility Plan
- Ensure that our plans for improved accessibility are monitored and reviewed regularly
This Accessibility Plan needs reading in conjunction with the Special Educational Needs Policy, the Equality Policy and the Supporting Students with Medical Needs Policy. The attached Accessibility Plan results from Accessibility Audits carried out by TKAT and also Health and Safety Governor Audits.
General Documents |
SEND Information Report 2023 24 |